lundi 31 août 2009

MondaySuperMix #20

this mondaysupermix is dedicated to only one song! and to a movie in which this chosen song has never been more touching.

dimanche 23 août 2009

MondaySuperMix #19 comes a mondaymix freshly and frenchly imported by Miss Schnurrbart
who has left her pony behind and instead of feeding him an apple every day,
she's feeding us with good new vibes to fill the emptyness of this upcoming monday.
and un grand merci to amandine!

lundi 17 août 2009

MondaySuperMix #18

and here he comes, my bloody mondaymix!

dimanche 2 août 2009

MondaySuperMix #17

Dear Monday Victims
as this day inevitably follows every Sunday
we shall be just as consistent and keep "la resistenza" alive.
So here are some notes and lyrics that according to my humble taste
could make this Monday feel a bit closer to Friday.
Enjoy. This day shall be over in approximately 24 hours.
